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Shincheonji Church of Jesus Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

A church that believes in and keeps the new covenant of Jesus

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
It is a holy temple where God and Jesus are together,
This means that the Book of Revelation is a place that testifies to the fulfilled events.

Proving the reality of the Book of Revelation‘Promised Shepherd’

[Revelation 22:16] I, Jesus, have sent my messenger to the churches to testify these things to you.

“Nice to meet you, dear Christian believers.”

The leader of the Shincheonji kingdom is Jesus Christ, who died early and purchased people from every tribe, language, and nation with his blood, offering them to God and making them a kingdom and priests before our God.

God the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, promised in advance in the Bible that he would establish Shincheonji (New Heaven and New Earth), the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, through Jesus (Revelation 21, Revelation 15:5). God established us on this earth as promised (Matthew 6:33), and we are eternally grateful for that grace.

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The Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony and the 12 tribes of this temple, founded by God, are something that has never existed before, and are the only kingdom and temple of God in the world. Today, our 12 tribes, created according to God's will, announce to the whole world that the promised kingdom of heaven has come near.

Dear believers, just as Jesus Christ loved us, let us love one another by keeping the commandment of love he gave us. And let us work together to make the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of God as soon as possible.

We, Shincheonji, promise to melt our bodies and become the substance of light and love that lights up the world like a candle, according to the will of Him who practiced the love of the cross.

We sincerely welcome you all and hope that the grace and peace of our Father God and Jesus will be with everyone who visits forever. thank you

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
Chairman  Lee  Man Hee

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Appeared on this earth as promised in the Bible‘The Temple of Promise’

[Revelation 22:16] I, Jesus, have sent my messenger to the churches to testify these things to you.

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new jerusalem saint mark

Korean Intellectual Property Office Registration No. 42-0001873

[Revelation 3:12]
I am God's name and God's surname
the name of the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God,
I will write my new name on him.


The cross in the center of the castle
ㆍSymbolizing the cross and the well
Meaning the path through which God's word comes out

The central Bible is surrounded by jasper and sardine.
Symbolizes God, the word of eternal life

Twelve gates, three each for north, south, east and west
Gate of the twelve tribes (Revelation 21:12~13, 21)

tree in the castle
ㆍBears twelve fruits every month
12 tribes of spiritual New Israel (Revelation 22:2)

square in a circle
Symbol of the Holy City, New Jerusalem

circle with two lines
Symbolizes the universe and the earth, respectively

Korean Intellectual Property Office registration number 42-0001873

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The Shincheonji mark is seen in Revelation Chapter 4 and Revelation Chapter 21.
Heaven mark symbolizing New Jerusalem, the holy city descending from the spirit world to the new heaven and new earthno see.
this isShincheonji, created in the shape of heavenAs a mark announcing the coming of God and His throne,
It is currently registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office under registration number 42-0001873.

The Kingdom of God on Earth Appears According to Prophecy
‘Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony’

[2 Peter 3:13] We look forward to new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells, according to his promise.

Shincheonji‘New heaven and new earth’ It is an abbreviation for the Chinese character ‘Shincheon Shinji’ and is a new tabernacle and
It means new saints.

Just as Moses built the tabernacle on this earth based on the image of heaven shown by God, today's Shincheonji Church of Jesus is the heaven of the spirit world shown by God. The shepherd promised in the Book of Revelation, President Lee Man, founded this earth in 1984. This is a church that was founded.

This is the kingdom of God created on earth as it was in heaven.

A name created according to the Bible,Shincheonji

New   heaven   +   New   land

   =  New   heaven   land

dot 2 Peter 3:13     dot Matthew 13:31-32
dot Revelation 14:1~5     dot Revelation 15:2-5

The church founded and attended by Jesus,Jesuitism

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The name ‘Church of Jesus’ literally refers to the church founded and attended by Jesus.
This means that the leader of the Shincheonji temple is Jesus.

Seeing, hearing, and testifying to the reality of all prophecies,Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

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The ‘Tabernacle of Testimony’ refers to the place where the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are seen, heard, and testified to.
It means tent.
‘Temple’ refers to a holy house where God is served and worship is held.
The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is the temple of promise where all nations will come and be healed and worship the Lord.
(Revelation 15:4-5)

The new spiritual Israel created by God
‘Shincheonji 12 Tribes’

[Revelation 7:4] And I heard the number of them that were sealed: one hundred and forty-four thousand were sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel.

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“The kingdom of God that appeared in each era consisted of 12 tribes.”

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In the Old Testament, Jacob was given the name Israel, the overcomer, and became the beginning of the 12 tribes of physical Israel.
Jesus, who came to the land of Judea, also conquered the world (John 16:33, Matthew 4, Luke 4) and established the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel through the 12 disciples (12 tribes).
Made it.

The 12 tribes that appeared in the Old Testament and the First Coming also appear in the Second Coming, that is, in the Book of Revelation.

In Chapter 7 of Revelation, there is a story about harvesting 144,000 people during the harvest and sealing them with the Word.
The place where 144,000 people are sealed is Mount Zion in Revelation 14, and the 144,000 people who were sealed with the Word are said to be the first fruits.
(James 1:18).
These 144,000 people are the 12 tribes created with the seal of God.

The 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel created by God are something new that has never existed before and are the only kingdom and temple of God in the world.

These 12 tribes are made up of the names of Jesus' disciples along with the names of the 12 tribes of the Old Testament era.
Since God said that those who do not belong to these 12 tribes in the end times are not the people of God's kingdom, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji are working to promote Shincheonji to the world and at the same time to heal all nations.

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